Safeguarding Adult Reviews (SARs)

During 2022-23,

Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board (SSAB) has a statutory duty to conduct a review when a person with care and support needs has died or experienced serious harm from abuse and / or neglect and there are concerns about how agencies have worked together. This is set out in the Care Act 2014 and is called a Safeguarding Adults Review (SAR). It is focused on learning and improving safeguarding responses, not on blame.

SAR Guidance, Documents and Forms

Southwark SAR Protocol and Guidance document

If you want the Board to consider a case for review, please complete SAR form 1 below and return it to

Southwark SAR form 1 - SAR referral document

Southwark SAR form 2 - SAR Subgroup Consideration and Recommendations document - to be completed by SSAB manager

Southward SAR form 3 - Agency summary of involvement document

During 2022-23, Southwark has undertaken a couple of SARs which are currently in progress and will be published here in due course. Please see below for links to previous reviews. 

Previous reviews:

Adult A (review completed 2016): read the full review here.

Adult B (review completed 2017): read the full review here.
