Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board

Our vision
We believe all adults at risk that are living in or visiting Southwark have the right to be safe and protected from harm. We will all work together to support these adults and their carers to make informed choices and to provide the highest quality services so they can live full, independent and self-determined lives.
The Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board has three subgroups:
- Learning Network (joint with the Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership)
- Quality & Effectiveness Subgroup
- Safeguarding Adult Review (SAR) Subgroup
The work of the Community Safety Partnership also feeds in to the SSAB & SSCP Learning Network subgroup. The Community Safety Partnership has two subgroups:
- Violence Against Women and Girls (VAWG) Subgroup
- Violence Reduction Strategic Group
The independent chair of the board is Anna Berry, who was appointed in February 2020. The Board Manager is Hannah Edwards. To contact the Southwark Safeguarding Adults Board, please email Please do not send unsolicited confidential details of individuals to this email address- details of who to contact if you are concerned about an individual can be found here.
Complex Case Pathway
Do you have a case that keeps going in circles? The Complex Case Pathway is the tool you need!
The Complex Case Pathway is a useful tool for those who do not meet Section 42 criteria but where risk remains. The Complex Case Pathway provides a clear structure for all professionals involved to help to manage, and where possible, reduce that risk.
It is a preventative tool and can be used when supporting those who are self-neglecting, or who are refusing or disengaging from services. It can also help responses where there are concerns that a person may be 'falling through the gaps'.
Download the following resources to help support you in practice:
For more information and advice, speak to your organisation's adult safeguarding lead.
Free safeguarding resources
The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) have teamed up with thirteen expert partners to produce a resource pack to help organisations build a safe culture for all volunteers, staff members, participants and donors. The suite of free online resources outlines simple steps that voluntary sector organisations can take to ensure that they are run in a way that actively prevents beneficiaries, staff an others from suffering harm, harassment, bullying, abuse and neglect. The resources are available here.
NHS England Safeguarding App
The NHS England safeguarding app supports frontline staff and citizens with 24-hour mobile access to up-to-date safeguarding guidance and local contacts to report safeguarding concerns.
Safeguarding Partnerships and Governance