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Worried about your safety, or that of someone else?

If you believe a child or vulnerable adult is in immediate danger, contact the police on 999.

Are you worried about a child?

If you have concerns about a specific child, please contact the Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) on 020 7525 1921 (weekday 9-5) or 020 7525 5000 (out of hours). You can also email them on MASH@southwark.gov.uk. The referral form for the MASH can be found here.

Are you worried about an adult with physical/sensory disabilities, or an adult over 65?

Please email the contact team on OPPDContactteam@southwark.gov.uk, or call 020 7525 3324

Are you worried about an adult with a mental illness?

Please email MHContact@southwark.gov.uk, or call 020 7525 0088.

Are you worried about an adult with a learning disability?

Contact the Learning Disabilities Duty Team on LearningDisabilitiesDuty@southwark.gov.uk, or call 020 7525 2333.

Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards (DoLS)

If you have a DoLS request or enquiry, please email DOLS@southwark.gov.uk.

Allegations against people who work with children- LADO

The LADO (Local Authority Designated Officer) provides advice and guidance to employers and other individuals/organisations who have concerns relating to an adult who works with children and young people (including volunteers, agency staff and foster carers) or who is in a position of authority and having regular contact with children (for example religious leaders or school governors). For more information see the Southwark Council Website.

In Southwark the LADO role is based within the Quality Assurance Unit.

Contact numbers:

  • QAU duty number 020 7525 3297
  • QAU service manager (LADO) 020 7525 0689

Concerned about a specific issue?

Southwark has launched a new multi-agency forum to help tackle cuckooing, the practice in which a vulnerable individual's home is taken over and used for criminal activities. Please use this form if you want to make a referral to the forum.

More information about what to do if you are affected by knife crime and serious youth violence can be found here.

More information about domestic abuse and how to get help can be found here. And information about Clare's Law can be found here.

More information about FGM can be found here.

For concerns about Child Sexual Exploitation (CSE), more information can be found here.

Counter terrorist police have launched a new service, Act Early, to support people who have concerned about radicalisation of friends or family. More information can be found on their website, or via their helpline on 0800 011 3764.