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Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership

Southwark Safeguarding Children Board logo

Following the Children and Social Work Act 2017, Southwark Safeguarding Children Board has been replaced by Southwark Safeguarding Children Partnership. This document sets out how the new arrangements will work in Southwark. Following reorganisations in the Metropolitan Police Service and the introduction of the ICB, the representatives on the Safeguarding Executive changed in 2022. The MPS representative is now a Detective Superintendent, while the ICB representative is the Borough Director for Southwark. A refreshed document is due to be published in April 2023. 

In 2021, Sir Alan Wood published a report on the national implementation of new multi-agency arrangements to safeguard children. The report sets out recommendations for making multi-agency safeguarding arrangements for local areas more effective. The Safeguarding Executive will be giving consideration to the report and its recommendations.

The aim of the partnership is to make sure that children and young people in Southwark are kept safe from harm and abuse. Its job is to co-ordinate the work of everyone working with children and their families so they can protect children effectively.

The Southwark Safeguarding Children's Partnership has an independent chair, Anna Berry, who was appointed in February 2020. The Partnership Manager is Hannah Edwards. If you wish to contact the partnership, please email sscp@southwark.gov.uk. Please do not send unsolicited confidential details of individuals to this email address. Details of who to contact if you are concerned about an individual can be found here.

The Partnership has four subgroups:

  • Learning Network
  • Adolescent Risk Strategic Subgroup
  • Quality and Effectiveness Subgroup
  • Child Safeguarding Practice Review Subgroup

Safeguarding Partnership and Governance