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Learning Disability Mortality Reviews (LeDeR)

The Learning Disabilities Mortality Review (LeDeR) programme is delivered by the University of Bristol. It is commissioned by the Healthcare Quality Improvement Partnership (HQIP) on behalf of NHS England.

The programme aims to:

  1. Support improvements in the quality of health and social care service delivery for people with learning disabilities.
  2. Help reduce premature mortality and health inequalities for people with learning disabilities.

The LeDeR programme supports local areas in England to review the deaths of people with learning disabilities (aged four years and over) using a standardised review process. The team based at the university also provides support to local areas to take forward any lessons learned in the reviews to make improvements to service provision.

The programme also collates and shares anonymised information about the deaths of people with learning disabilities so that common themes, learning points and recommendations can be identified and taken forward into policy and practice improvements.

If you would like to report the death of a person with learning disabilities, please use this form.


Factsheet13-Recognising-abuse (PDF 562KB)

LeDeR-leaflet-for-professionals (PDF 212KB)

LeDeR-Roles-and-Responsibilities-for-London-Rollout (PDF 106KB)

Review-Process-for-Adults (PDF 252KB)

Review-Process-for-Children (PDF 188KB)